Superconductivity Research Group

Introducation| Vision & Mission| Members| Research Facilities|  Contact Us 






Vision & Mission

The Superconductivity group is actively involved in fundamental and applied research. Our mission is oriented toward the study of mesoscopic phenomena occurring at low temperature including:

  • Our main effort is on preparation and characterization of novel superconducting and magnetic materials; single crystals as well as polycrystalline. Van der Waals magnetic materials and Cr-based magnetocaloric materials are routinely studied in our group.
  • Hot spot induced in thin superconducting films, where the experimental data were analyzed using the time dependent Ginzbug Landau Theory. A focus on the detection of a tiny amount of light using thin film superconductor.
  • Our primary research is on unconventional superconductors such as the high-Tc cuprates and the Iron-based superconductors.  Our focus is to study their microscopic properties using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy, especially the paring mechanism and pseudogap phenomena. 


Professor. Khalil A. Ziq     CV
​Professor. Khalil Harrabi
Dr. Shankar Kunwar
Dr. Abdelkrim Mekki

Research facilities

1.Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
2.ESCA Lab
3.AC-susceptibility / Resistivity setup.
4.Annealing furnaces-single crystal growth.
5.I-V characteristics setup 300 K-4 K
6.Fast Electrical pulse measurement for Hot spot measurement
7.Laser Diode Pulse
8.Spin coater, UV-Vis, GlovesBox, Furnace, Hotplates


Contact Us

Dr. Khalil A. Ziq
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Postal Address: Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Location: Building 6, Room# 259F
E- mail:
Phone: +966 13 860 3761

Fax:    +966 13 860 2293

Dr. Khalil Harrabi
Office: 6/151
Phone: 966-1-860-2239






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