SEMINARIntroduction to Superconducting Circuit-based Quantum Computing Speaker: Mr. UMAR TARIQ ALHUWAYMEL Date: Monday, 14 November 2022 Time: 11:00 a.m. Location: Bldg. 6/Room 125 Abstract: Due to the growing interest in quantum computing and information, the field of quantum hardware development has gained more attraction. As a result, various physical realisations of quantum computing have been attempted by researchers all over the world. This seminar will act as an introduction into the field of superconducting circuit-based quantum computing. Furthermore, I will talk about my superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator quality factor-related simulation results.
Umar Alhuwaymel is a senior physics undergraduate student who is interested in quantum computing and information. He underwent his summer training at NTIS, where he was involved in designing coplanar waveguide resonators. He is currently working with Dr. Saleem Rao on quantum computing-related projects.
Topological Insulator Speaker: Mr. Miftah Hadi Syahputra Anfa Date: Monday, 14 November 2022 Time: 11:25 a.m. Location: Bldg. 6/Room 125
Abstract: An object is said to be topologically invariant if it has certain properties that are preserved under continuous transformation. One could then categorize objects based on their topological invariants, for example, the number of holes, etc. This concept was found to be useful to explain physical phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect which then led us to discover a certain interesting class of materials, called a topological insulator. Topological insulators are materials with the surprising property that they do not conduct current in the bulk but instead carry current along their boundary. In this talk, the general idea of topological insulators will be presented
All faculty, researchers and students are invited to attend. |