
Name: Khalil Harrabi
Title Professor
Brief research interests:
Mesoscopic Physics
Research Areas: Experiment condensed matter: quantum sensor, quantum computing
Office: 6/151
Tel: 966-1-860-2239
 Email: harrabi@kfupm.edu.sa

Lab(s): Superconductivity and Renewable Energy Labs.
Affiliated Center(s): Interdisciplinary Research Center for Intelligent Secure Systems


Research Interests:

Study of the superconductivity in non-equilibrium regime (Study of Hotspot and Phase slip centers in high & low-Tc superconducting filaments).
Photon Detection using superconducting strips.
Photovoltaic Devices: Organic Solar cells.
Superconducting Qubit.

Nano-mechanical resonator

Biographical Sketch:

Dr. Khalil Harrabi is a Professor at Physics Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He received the D.E.A degree (equivalent to master degree) in Solid State Physics, from the Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris VI, France in 1997, and the PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from Paris VI University at Laboratory of Condensed Matter, Physics Department of Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (France) in 2000. In 2001, he was recruited as an EU postdoctoral Research Officer, at Low Temperature Laboratory, Department of Physics Royal Holloway, University of London, UK for two years. This project was funded by the EU, Surface Electrons on Mesoscopic Structures. The subject was making Qubits with electrons on liquid helium surface. Later, he joined Nano Electronics Research Laboratories NEC Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan, as a post-doctoral Research Officer, for more than 5 years. This project was funded by the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), NEC and Riken. The purpose of this work was to study decoherence and demonstrate Quantum Algorithms using Superconducting Flux qubits.



Best Award of research 2015. 



Qubit, Single photon, Non-equilibrium superconductivity, Critical current

Dr. Khalil Harrabi Professor 6/151 966-1-860-2239 harrabi@kfupm.edu.sa Website