
Name: Hocine Bahlouli
Title: Professor
Brief Research Interests
" Tridiagonal Representation and J-Matrix Approach in Quantum Mechanics and Transport Properties of Low Dimensional Electronic Systems."
Research Areas: Condensed Matter Theory
Office: 6/221
Tel: 966-1-860-2097
 Email: bahlouli@kfupm.edu.sa
 Website : https://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/PHYS/bahlouli/

Lab(s): None
Affiliated Center(s): None
Research Interests:

"Our present research interests are concerned with finding solutions of quantum mechanical problems using the tridiagonal representation approach which was founded by our group and investigating the transport properties of low dimensional electronic systems such as graphene and its multilayer cousins."

Biographical Sketch:
A graduate of the University of Algiers (BSc. 1981) and University of Ann Arbor, Michigan (MSc. 1983) and University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Ph.D. 1988). Then Professor Bahlouli joined the Physics department at KFUPM in September of 1989,  after serving a one-year postdoctoral member at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Minnesota, USA, 1988-1989. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1994 and full Professor in July 1999. 

He was awarded the KFUPM Best Research Award (1998, 2013 and 2019).
Associate Member of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy (1997-2002).
Physics Editor for the AJSE, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, since March, 1999 – 2008.

1. A.D. Al-Haidari and H. Bahlouli,, “ Electron in the Field of a Molecule 
with an Electric Dipole Moment”, Physical Review Letters 100, 110401-
1, (2008).
2. A. Jellal, A. D. Alhaidari, and H. Bahlouli, “Confined Dirac fermions
       in a constant magnetic field”, Physical Review A 80, 012109 (2009).
3. M.E.H. Ismail, A. D. Alhaidari and H. Bahlouli, “ Mathematical Revisit of the Dirac Coulomb Problem”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and   Theoretical 45, 36520 (2012).
4. Berdiyorov, G.R., Bahlouli, H. and Peeters, F.,  “Effect of substitutional impurities on the electronic transport properties of graphene", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 84, 22 (2016).
5. A. D. Alhaidari, H. Bahlouli and I. A. Assi, “ Solving Dirac equation using the tridiagonal matrix representation approach”, Physics Leters  A 380 1577–1581 (2016).
6. Hasan. M. Abdullah, D. R. da Costa, H. Bahlouli, A. Chaves, F. M. Peeters 
and B. Van Duppen, "Electron collimation at van der Waals domain walls 
in bilayer graphene", Phys. Rev. B 100, 045137 (2019).
7. Ahmed Bouhlal, Adel Abbout, Ahmed Jellal, Hocine Bahlouli , Michael 
Vogl, Tunneling phase diagrams in anisotropic Multi-Weyl semimetals, 
Annalen der Physik Vol. 534, 2200267 (2022).

Dr. Hocine Bahlouli Professor 6/221 966-1-860-2097 bahlouli@kfupm.edu.sa Website