
Name: Adel Abbout

Title: Assistant Professor

Brief Research Interests:

*Quantum transport and mesoscopic systems.

*Theory of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SGM, STM, ...)


*Random Matrix Theory of Quantum Transport.

*Spintronic: Dynamics of magnetic textures, spin pumping, Magnonics.

*Topological materials.

Simulation using Kwant and Tkwant packages.

Research Areas: Condensed Matter Theory.

Office: 6/259-A

Tel: 966-13-860-1426

 Email: adel.abbout@kfupm.edu.sa

 Website: www.adelabbouthomepage.com


Affiliated Center(s): 

Research Interests:

I study quantum transport at the mesoscopic level with focus on time dependent problems and chaotic behaviors. I am also interested in studying spin pumping and dynamical systems applied to magnetic materials. I mainly focus on the simulation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and how to obtain ground states in heterostructure of different materials.

My main tool is the kwant and Tkwant packages which are very good in studying tight binding problems.

I have also an interest in analytical solutions of toy models and complex cavities, mainly using the concept of random matrix theory to obtain the statistics of the transport coefficients.

Biographical Sketch:

A graduate of Ecole Normale Superieure and Orsay university (Ms. 2007/2008). I obtained my Phd in 2011 from Pierre and Marie Curie university where I worked at the condensed matter group at the French commission for atomic energy CEA Saclay.

I did a short postdoc at CRISMAT at CAEN university on thermoelectric transport and then moved to the spintronic group at King Abdullah university of science and technology (KAUST).

Since 2019, I am an assistant professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).


-Thermal Enhancement of Interference Effects in Quantum Point Contacts.                                            

A Abbout, G. Lemarié and J. L. Pichard. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,156810 (2011).

-Cooperative Charge Pumping and Enhanced Skyrmion Mobility.

A Abbout, J Weston, X Waintal, A Manchon Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257203 (2018)

-Ferromagnet-free all-electric spin Hall transistors.

 WY Choi, HJ Kim, J Chang, SH Han, A Abbout, HBM Saidaoui, et al

Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 12, 7998–8002.

Topological aspects of antiferromagnets.

V Bonbien, F Zhuo, A Salimath, O Ly, A Abbout, A Manchon

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (10), 103002.

- Time delay matrix at the spectrum edge and the minimal chaotic cavities 

 A Abbout, Eur. Phys. J. B (2013) 86: 117

Dr. Adel Abbout Assistant Professor 6/259-A 966-1-860-1426 adel.abbout@kfupm.edu.sa Website