
Abdulwahab Abdulrahman Al Luhaibi                 
Assistant Professor 
Brief research interests: superconducting vortex dynamics, superconducting technology (include superconducting qubits), quantum information, nonlinear physics
Research Areas: Computational Condensed Matter Physics \ Superconductivity
Office: 6/146
Tel: 966-13-860-3752
Email: aalluhaibi@kfupm.edu.sa
Website: N/A

Affiliated Center(s): Intelligent Secure Systems 
Research Interests 
We study vortices’ responses heterogenous superconducting films, such a response could have potential applications such as microwave frequency generators, and superconducting vortex memory, using coupled nonlinear equations called time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations. Moreover, we also have interest in nonlinear phenomena called synchronization which occurs in vortex dynamics in square pattern of disorder, and a series of Josephson Junctions.  

Biographical Sketch 
A graduate of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (B.Sc 2015), Brown University (M.Sc. 2019), and Northwestern University (Ph.D 2024). Dr. Al Luhaibi joined the physics department as Assistant Professor in August 2024. 


- First Honor Graduate from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

- Al Luhaibi, A., Glatz, A., & Ketterson, J. (2024). Nonlinear inductive response of pinned superconducting vortices in artificial pinning sites. Physical Review Applied, 21(5), 054018.
- Al Luhaibi, A., Glatz, A., & Ketterson, J. B. (2022). Driven responses of periodically patterned superconducting films. Physical Review B, 106(22), 224516.

Dr. Abdulwahab Abdulrahman Al Luhaibi Assistant Professor 6/146 966-1-860-3752 aalluhaibi@kfupm.edu.sa